Uniform/PPE Requests
Use the Google forms linked below to request signed MCFRS property request forms, which allow you to obtain uniform and PPE items from MCFRS Logistics. Once you complete the online form, a request will be sent to Lt. Quinn (probationary members) or Lt. Labrecque (all other members) for approval. Once they have approved your request, you will receive an email with the signed form(s) attached. If you do not receive the signed forms within 48 hours, or if you need the signed form urgently, please contact the appropriate Lieutenant via email.
MCFRS Logistics is located at 1493B Southlawn Lane in Rockville, MD. Be sure to check their website for hours before you go. A photo ID is required to pick up items.
Click here to read the MCFRS Volunteer Apparel Policy
Probationary Member Uniform Request
You name must appear on the IECS list before you can pick up these items.
EMS Provider Uniform and PPE Request
This request is only for items that were not issued as part of the Probationary Member complement. You must have attained the rank of EMS Provider I or Firefighter I to receive these items.
Use this form only for your first issuance of items; 2-year replacements should be requested using the custom request form at the bottom of this list.
Firefighter Training PPE Request
Use this form to obtain a set of training PPE for firefighting only once you are registered to take Firefighter I. Do not use this form to request PPE for PEAF class — the PSTA will loan you the necessary equipment when you arrive for class.
Permanent Firefighter PPE Request
You must have attained the rank of Firefighter II before you can receive these items.
Custom Apparel and/or PPE Request
Use this form to create a custom request form different from the pre-filled forms above.
You can request replacements for apparel items (shirts, sweatshirts, pants, shorts, sweatpants) every 2 years.
Your request may require special approval if it exceeds your standard allocations for your rank (for example, if you are replacing lost or damaged PPE/outerwear items, or replacing apparel items within 24 months of previous issuance). Just having this form with the standard officer signature does not necessarily mean Logistics will issue the items to you. Contact the GEFD Quartermaster with any questions about this.